Digital Marketing + Growth
Digital Marketing + Growth

Digital Marketing + Growth

In: Digital Marketing + Growth

Why Should You Build a Responsive Website?

Responsive websites are no longer a trend but are now an absolute must.

Mobile usage has increased by 16% since 2010 and mobile ecommerce share is at 27% and these numbers are forecasted to continue on this incredible rise.

These figures highlight the importance of having a responsive and mobile friendly website in today’s tech savvy day and age. This does not mean however, you should invest in having a separate mobile app or stuffing all of your desktop site into a mobile site. Responsive websites only work if you prioritise which information and site elements to put on a smaller screen based on your business goals. You also need to think about user interaction and experience such as integrating touch screen features to aid navigation.

Skywire have collated our top benefits of why all online businesses should upgrade to responsive and mobile-friendly websites:

1. Sites will work seamlessly across multiple devices and browsers.

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