Ecommerce + Technology
Ecommerce + Technology

Ecommerce + Technology

In: Ecommerce + Technology

SEAMM shows its DPP solution for prestige clothing brands at Paris Blockchain Week

As part of its efforts to tackle climate change, the European Union (EU) has introduced the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) — including the Digital Product Passport (DPP), intended to provide easily accessible data about a product’s sustainability attributes. 

The data itself will be secured using the distributed ledger technology known as blockchain. At Paris Blockchain Week in April, the London-based tech company SEAMM — a pioneering purveyor of “phygital” fashion items — unveiled its own DPP solution ahead of the ESPR’s 2027 enactment. 

From 2027, companies selling fashion goods in the EU will be required to provide a DPP with each product, revealing the environmental implications of how it has been manufactured and sourced. The DPP will — like our own digital creative and marketing agency here at Skywire London — help brands combat “greenwashing”

How is SEAMM breaking the mould? 

SEAMM specialises in “phygital” fashion — so-called as consumers are able to purchase physical and digital versions of what is presented as essentially the same product. 

Even before placing an order for a given product, consumers can “try it on” remotely via the use of augmented reality (AR) technology or customise the clothing aesthetically. Both functions are available on the SEAMM website and the mobile app for iPhones and Android smartphones.

After ordering a digital item, the user can also transfer it to a video game or platform like Minecraft, Roblox or Decentraland, enabling the player’s avatar to wear this clothing in the virtual in-game environment.

How SEAMM can help other fashion brands to thrive  

SEAMM offers a white-label service whereby brands can place their logo and colours on phygital clothes before offering them to their own customers. These companies are likely to appreciate SEAMM’s hand in helping them prepare for when the DPP regulation comes into force. 

Indeed, these brands shouldn’t wait until 2027 before bringing themselves into compliance with the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation. Ultimately, the sooner the necessary changes are made, the better — with some brands already expected to adopt the DPP in 2024.

These brands will, as a result, have opportunities to tweak and optimise their DPP strategies well in advance — and consequently prevent regulatory compliance hiccups that could otherwise give rise to adverse publicity. A company’s reputation, once damaged, can be difficult to repair. 

What SEAMM says about its new DPP product

SEAMM co-founder and co-CEO Alexandra Maslova has summarised the company’s platform as “like a one-stop shop, a plug-and-play solution”, adding: “Imagine not having to worry about blockchain expertise or finding designers.” SEAMM, she enthused, “handles everything”. 

She claimed that, with SEAMM’s expert assistance, brands are able to both establish their digital presence and monetise it. Maslova continued: “By bridging technology with fashion internally, we’re adding real value to brands, offering a fresh perspective on digital fashion.”

“Everyone’s after the same goal at the end of the day — connecting digitally with their audience,” Maslova pointed out. It’s a goal that our digital creative and marketing agency can also help you pursue. To enquire about our range of promotional services, please email

Image by John Hain from Pixabay

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